Bald HeadBy Tom Bullock
1 Jigger French Vermouth1 Jigger Italian Vermouth4 Jiggers Gin1 or 2 dashes of Absinthe to each drink. Stir with large cubes of ice. Twist lemon peel over the drink. Decorate with a stuffed olive.Where do I get my Absinthe? Right here(A jigger is 1....
Alice MineBy Tom Bullock
1 jigger Dry Vermouth4 dashes of Sweet Vermouth2 jiggers Grand Marnier1 jigger Dry Gin1 dash Angostura BittersStir with ice and strain.(A jigger is 1.5 ounces. The same as a standard Shot)
Alfonso SpecialBy Tom Bullock
1/2 jigger Dry Gin1/2 jigger Dry Vermouth1/2 jigger Grand Marnier4 dashes Sweet Vermouth1 dash Angostura BittersShake with ice and strain(A jigger is 1.5 ounces. The same as a standard Shot)
AffinityBy Tom Bullock
1 jigger Scotch Whiskey1 jigger Dry Vermouth1 jigger Sweet Vermouth2 Dashes of Angostura BittersStir with ice and strain. Serve with a Cherry and twist a Lemon Peel over the top of the glass.(A jigger is 1.5 ounces. The same as a standard Shot)
AdonisBy Tom Bullock
1 jigger Dry Sherry1/2 jigger Sweet Vermouth1 dash Orange BittersStir with ice. Strain.
AddingtonBy Tom Bullock
1 jigger Sweet Vermouth1 jigger Dry VermouthStir with ice and strain. Fill glass with Soda Water and serve with a twist of lemon peel.(A jigger is 1.5 ounces. The same as a standard Shot)
Whiskey Punch - St. Louis StyleBy Tom Bullock
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.One jigger Bourbon Whiskey.1/2 pony Italian Vermouth.1/2 pony Pineapple Syrup.1/2 pony Lemon Juice.Shake well; strain into Stem glass and serve.
Lone Tree CocktailBy Tom Bullock
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.1 jigger Burnett's Old Tom Gin.1/3 Italian Vermouth.1/3 French Vermouth.Shake well; serve in Cocktail glass. Preferably sitting under a lone tree.
Onion CocktailBy Tom Bullock
1 jigger of Burnett's Tom Gin.1/2 of Italian Vermouth and no Bitters used.Large Bar glass with Cracked Ice and stir well.Strain and serve with an Onion.then go kiss your date
Bronx CocktailBy Tom Bullock
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.1/3 jigger Dry Gin.1/3 jigger French Vermouth.1/3 jigger Italian Vermouth.1 Slice Orange.Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Duplex Cocktail
Fill large Bar glass with Shaved Ice.1/3 Jigger Old Tom Gin.1 pony Italian Vermouth.1 pony French Vermouth.3 dashes Acid Phosphate. (chemical weapons grade?)4 dashes Orange Bitters.Shake; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Gibson Cocktail
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.1 jigger Gordon Gin.1 pony French Vermouth.Stir; strain and serve in Cocktail glass.
L.P.W.? A little cryptic Tom. Anyone know what this stands for?Use a large Mixing glass.Fill with Lump Ice.1 jigger of Sir Robert burnett's Old Tom Gin.1/2 pony of Italian Vermouth.1/2 pony of French Vermouth.Stir well and strain into a Cocktail glas...
Twilight CocktailBy Tom Bullock
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.1 jigger Bourbon.1/2 pony Italian Vermouth.Juice of whole Lime.Shake well; strain into a Champagne glass; fill with Seltzer and serve.
Blackthorne Cocktail
Fill Mixing glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice. 1/4 teaspoonful Lemon Juice. 1 teaspoonful Syrup. 1/2 jigger Vermouth. 1/2 Jigger Sloe Gin. 1 dash Angostura Bitters. 2 dashes Orange Bitters. Stir; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Bliz's Royal RickeyBy Tom Bullock
Drop 3 lumps Cracked Ice in a Rickey (thin Champagne) glass.1/2 Lime or 1/4 Lemon.4 dashes Raspberry Syrup.1 pony Vermouth.3/4 jigger Gin.Fill up with Ginger Ale (imported); stir; dress with Fruit and serve.
Horse Thief CocktailBy Tom Bullock
Fill a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.2 dashes green Absinthe.1/2 pony Italian Vermouth.1 jigger Sir Robert burnett's Old Tom Gin.Stir well and serve in a Cocktail glass.Giddy-up!
Bamboo CocktailBy Tom Bullock
Fill large Bar glass 1/3 full Fine Ice. 1/3 Sherry Wine. 1/3 Italian Vermouth. Stir then strain into Cocktail glass. Serve.